Gerrit Großmann

Dr. rer. nat., M. Sc., Postdoc at DFKI. Saarbrücken and Kaiserslautern. Germany.

Hello World! My name is Gerrit Großmann, welcome to my personal academic webpage! I work at the research department on Data Science and its Applications (DSA) (formerly Neuro-mechanistic Modeling) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

Research Interests:
🤖💡 My research revolves around the question: How can we integrate the distinct realms of discrete structures such as graphs and networks with the continuous nature of dynamic evolution, diffusion, and learning?

🎲🕸️ I am developing numerical methods to analyze stochastic dynamical processes on complex networks. This research aims to understand how networks shape collective phenomena like epidemics and rumors.

🧪🧠 Additionally, in collaboration with the NextAid project, my focus is on geometric deep learning for molecules. In this area, probabilistic flow models offer an innovative approach to integrating geometric deep learning with stochastic processes. My current projects include advancing neuro-symbolic guidance of diffusion models, implementing semi-supervised learning on metabolic networks, exploring the expressiveness of message-passing architectures, and the development of non-parametric methods for network reconstruction.


Short CV

2006 - 2007
Attending Parkland Secondary School in British Columbia
2010 - 0000
High school degree in Lübeck at OzD
2010 - 2018
Bachelor's and Master's degree in computer science at Saarland University
2017 - 0000
Part-time deep learning engineer at iMAR Navigation GmbH
2012 - 2017
Part-time software development/data analysis at the Cognitive Psychology group
2019 - 2022
PhD (Dr. rer. nat) in computer science at the Modeling and Simulation group at Saarland University


Tutorials, Talks, and Opinion Pieces

(Co-)Supervised Students

Simulation and Inference of Point Processes
Yehia Farghaly
Bachelor's thesis

Computer-Aided Molecule Generation Using Optimal Transport and Variational Autoencoders
Magnus Cunow
Bachelor's thesis

Small Molecule Generation and Optimization: A GNN-VAE Appraoch
Nesara Belakere Lingarajaiah
Master's thesis

Learning the Function of Neural Networks in Deep Weight Spaces
Janine Lohse
Research Immersion Lab

Network Reconstruction Using Deep Learning and Sensitivity Analysis
Joshgun Guliyev
Master's thesis

Adapting the Approximate Master Equations for Realistic Epidemic and Network Dynamics
Yan Yan Lau
Bachelor's thesis

Learning Dynamical Processes to Infer the Underlying Network Structure
Julian Zimmerlin
Bachelor's thesis

Effects of Interventions on the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Network-based Approach
Lisa Heidmann
Bachelor's thesis

Learning Vaccine Allocation Strategies to Control Epidemic Outbreaks on Networks
Jonas Klesen
Research Immersion Lab


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Stochastic Spreading on Complex Networks

PhD Dissertation Thesis

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Lumping the Approximate Master Equation for Stochastic Processes on Complex Networks

Master’s Thesis

Avaliable upon request or at Campus-Bibliothek.

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Efficient Computation of Likelihoods in Large Markov Models

Bachelor’s Thesis

Avaliable upon request or at Campus-Bibliothek.



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Discriminator-Driven Diffusion Mechanisms for Molecular Graph Generation

Gerrit Großmann

Extended Abstract at ML4Molecules ELLIS Workshop, 2023

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Elucidating the Relationship Between Transformers and GNNs

J. Groß, G. Großmann, V. Wolf

Preprint, 2023


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Deep Sets Are Viable Graph Learners

Gerrit Großmann

Extended Abstract at Complex Networks Conference, 2023

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Network Reconstruction via Sensitivity Analysis

Gerrit Großmann

Extended Abstract at Complex Networks Conference, 2023

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TeachOpenCADD goes Deep Learning: Open-source Teaching Platform Exploring Molecular DL Applications

M. Backenköhler, P. L. Kramer, J. Groß, G. Großmann, R. Joeres, A. Tagirdzhanov, D. Sydow, H. Ibrahim, F. Odje, V. Wolf, A. Volkamer

Preprint, 2023

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Unsupervised Relational Inference Using Masked Reconstruction

G. Großmann, J. Zimmerlin, M. Backenköhler, V. Wolf

Applied Network Science, 2023

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Birth-Death Processes Reproduce the Epidemic Footprint

G. Großmann, M. Backenköhler

Extended Abstract at Complex Networks Conference, 2022

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Abstraction-Guided Truncations for Stationary Distributions of Markov Population Models

M. Backenköhler, L. Bortolussi, G. Großmann, V. Wolf

Quantitative Evaluation of Systems Conference (QEST), 2021

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Heterogeneity Matters: Contact Structure and Individual Variation Shape Epidemic Dynamics

G. Großmann, M. Backenköhler, V. Wolf

PLOS ONE, 2021

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Epidemic Overdispersion Strengthens the Effectiveness of Mobility Restrictions

G. Großmann, M. Backenköhler, V. Wolf

Poster Abstract, 24th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2021

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Analysis of Markov Jump Processes under Terminal Constraints

M. Backenköhler, L. Bortolussi, G. Großmann, V. Wolf

Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems Conference (TACAS), 2021

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Efficient Simulation of non-Markovian Dynamics on Complex Networks

G. Großmann, L. Bortolussi, V. Wolf

PLOS ONE, 2021

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Learning Vaccine Allocation from Simulations

G. Großmann, M. Backenköhler, J. Klesen, V. Wolf

The 9th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, 2020

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Importance of Interaction Structure and Stochasticity for Epidemic Spreading: A COVID-19 Case Study

G. Großmann, M. Backenköhler, V. Wolf

Quantitative Evaluation of Systems Conference (QEST), 2020

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Rejection-Based Simulation of Non-Markovian Agents on Complex Networks

G. Großmann, L. Bortolussi, V. Wolf

The 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, 2019

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Rejection-Based Simulation of Non-Markovian Agents on Complex Networks

G. Großmann, V. Wolf

6th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology (HSB), 2019

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Lumping of Degree-Based Mean Field and Pair Approximation Equations for Multi-State Contact Processes

C. Kyriakopoulos, G. Großmann, V. Wolf, L. Bortolussi



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Reducing Spreading Processes on Networks to Markov Population Models

G. Großmann, L. Bortolussi

Quantitative Evaluation of Systems Conference (QEST), 2019

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Lumping the Approximate Master Equation for Multistate Processes on Complex Networks

G. Großmann, C. Kyriakopoulos, L. Bortolussi, V. Wolf

Quantitative Evaluation of Systems Conference (QEST), 2019

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